TTR Barnes provides a water pump in Zimbabwe

3rd September 2015

We’ve always wanted to ensure that our staff members are happy and catered for, and while it may be true that the office generally runs on caffeine and biscuits, we also try to keep our staff well hydrated. As a result, we decided to invest in water coolers from AquAid.


Our unique relationship with AquAid has also given us as a firm the opportunity to help those further afield less fortunate than ourselves. For each cooler that we have, we donate £20 per year to The Africa Trust as part of our subscription fee.  These contributions have enabled The Trust to install a water pump in  Manicaland, a north eastern province in Zimbabwe on our behalf (it is a real place, Google it!).

This pump will bring much needed clean, fresh drinking water and improve the quality of life of those who have access to our well. One pump can provide up to 10,000 litres of clean water per day and typically around 300 people benefit from each pump. Water is used for drinking and domestic consumption, for washing people and clothes, watering livestock and watering vegetable gardens. The ongoing sustainability arises from projects such as the children in the community growing bananas and using the proceeds from the sales to pay for their school fees This ultimately means a better education for these people and a better future.

We’re not just all about the numbers here at TTR Barnes! We’d encourage all of you to do the same and see how you can make a big difference.

Visit AquAid and Africa Trust here

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