Payroll Fees

Our experienced Payroll Team can provide a full payroll service

Our experienced Payroll Team can provide a full payroll service within your payroll fees, dealing with new starters and leavers, processing salaries, and paying the relevant taxes and contributions to HMRC, leaving you to concentrate on growing your business.

No matter how many people you employ, accurate Payroll administration is vital, and keeping up to date with the ever changing legislation and filing requirements can be quite a challenge, especially with Real Time Information or RTI.

The service represents surprisingly good value for money, when you compare it to the stringent penalty regime HMRC now has in place for failing to comply with RTI requirements.


Our service includes the preparation of payslips on either a weekly or monthly basis depending on your business needs. We also offer a new payroll client discount of 12 months for the price of 9.

Number of Employees 0-9 10+ 20+ 30+
KWM Auto-enrolment charge* £750 £1,000 £1,250 £1,500
RTI Annual Charge £56 £83 £110 £160
Auto-enrolment redeclaration** £50 £50 £50 £50
New payroll clients monthly £5 £4.50 £3.95 £3.45
New payroll clients weekly £4.40 £3.90 £3.35 £2.85

All charges above are exclusive of VAT.

We can also assist with set-up and queries related to pensions auto-enrolment.  View our pensions auto-enrolment guidance and auto enrolment price guide.

To speak to us about payroll requirements and payroll fees, please contact one of our specialist advisors., 0191 567 0304, Bio

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